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What You Need to Know About Ambulance Wraps - King Tutt Graphics

What You Need to Know About Ambulance Wraps

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Our team at King Tutt Graphics has extensive experience in the graphic design and printing industries, and we offer a variety of print and design products. For example, we are well-known for our high-quality vehicle wraps. Most vehicle wraps are used for promotional purposes, but we can also make vehicle wraps to help you convey important information to nearby drivers. This is the purpose of our ambulance wraps—to alert drivers they should move out of the way.

What You Need to Know About Ambulance Wraps

In this article, we’ll go over some more information about our ambulance wraps to give you a better idea of what they do.

  • Purpose – Ambulance wraps serve two main purposes. First, they inform other drivers that your vehicle is an ambulance so they can adjust their behavior accordingly. Most importantly, the wraps will let drivers know to get out of your way. Second, ambulance wraps can promote the specific hospital or other health care facility they are attached to. We’ll make sure your ambulance has all the necessary text and logos to make it clear what your vehicle is, but we can also include branding for your particular hospital.
  • Benefits – As we mentioned above, one of the benefits of ambulance wraps is to promote the healthcare facilities the ambulance serves. In addition, ambulance wraps offer the more immediate practical benefit of being easy to install and clean. Getting an ambulance re-painted can take it out of the action for weeks, but getting the wrap replaced only takes a few days at most.