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Reasons to Install Solar Window Films - King Tutt Graphics

Reasons to Install Solar Window Films

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One of the many products we offer here at King Tutt Graphics is solar window films. The purpose of these films is to block out UV radiation, preventing it from entering your building while letting visible light pass through. These films offer several great benefits, which means there are numerous reasons to install them on your windows.

Reasons to Install Solar Window Films

In this article, we’ll go over a few of those reasons to help you decide if our solar window films are right for you.

  • Reduced Glare – One reason to install solar window films is to reduce glare in your home or workplace. If you are tired of not being able to see your TV or computer screen clearly during certain hours of the day, you can install solar films to eliminate that problem.
  • Protection Against Fading – Another benefit of our solar window films is the way they prevent your artwork, furniture, and other items from fading. By blocking out UV rays, the films prevent your items from getting bleached in the sun, which will keep them in much better long-term condition.
  • Increased Energy Efficiency – A third reason why we encourage you to install solar window films is because doing so can make your building more energy efficient. Preventing UV rays from entering your home or business will keep it cooler, which in turn will make it easier for your air conditioning to maintain your desired temperature without having to expend as much energy to do so. You will very likely see significant energy savings over time.