Key Principles of Great Graphic Design

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Our team at King Tutt Graphics has extensive experience in the graphic design industry, and you can count on us to provide the top-notch design services you are looking for. Although the art of graphic design is complex, there are a few general principles that designers use to create strong, eye-catching compositions that effectively convey information. In this article, our team will go over a few of the key principles of graphic design—if your current branding doesn’t abide by these guidelines, then we encourage you to give us a call to find out how to update it.

Key Principles of Great Graphic Design

•  Hierarchy- One of the most important principles of graphic design is that information must be presented in a clear hierarchy—in other words, the design should guide the viewers to read the most important information first. Designers typically show which information is more important in the hierarchy by making more important information visually larger, placing it near the top, and highlighting it with contrasting colors or other icons.

•  Contrast- Another key principle of graphic design is contrast. Making parts of your design look different from one another makes the design easier to read and allows viewers to quickly identify the information they need. For example, websites generally underline their hyperlinks and make the text a different color to make it easier for users to navigate to various pages.

•  Repetition- A third key principle of graphic design is the use of repetition. Using the same colors, typefaces, shapes, and other graphic elements throughout your design and brand will give everything a coherent look.