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Are You Branding Your Business Properly? Let’s Find Out! - King Tutt Graphics
Home > Vehicle Wrap Blog > Are You Branding Your Business Properly? Let’s Find Out!

When it comes to branding, many people think of well-known items you could find in a grocery store or recognize by their logo, but did you know that branding has taken on a different meaning? In the world of advertising, branding is no longer just your logo or the product that you sell, but how you conduct yourself as a person, how you are seen in society and social media. This vaguer notion of branding can be tricky for some of us to navigate, and it really helps to have design and advertising professionals on your side to ensure that you are branding your business properly. To determine if you’re branding properly, ask yourself these questions to start.

determine if you’re branding properly, ask yourself these questions to start

  • “Am I using different advertising platforms?” When it comes to advertising, your goal is to be noticed. If you are in a business with many competitors, the more memorable you are, the better. Using unique advertising platforms like car wraps or bus ads are a great way to get people to recognize and remember your name.
  • “Am I utilizing current methods of advertising like social media and SEO?” Even if you don’t have a personal social media account, set one up for your business. People spend nearly eight hours per day looking at their smart phones, so make sure that your social media is something that they’re finding!
  • “What am I doing to set myself apart from other businesses like mine?” Unique advertising can spark the interest of potential clients as well as make you memorable. If you’re not in the creative business, hire someone like King Tutt Graphics who is!

Even though there are many ways to determine if your branding methods are working for your business, these questions can help you get a good start!